Wednesday, February 13, 2008

CRM 2.0

Of course this title can seem demagogic and hyped. But this is what this very interesting article is talking about CRM 2.0: When web 2.0 meets CRM.
This article talks how the new technologies and their use (Wikis, blogs, web communities and social networks) have changed the relationship between the companies and their customers. Therefore, a new way of thinking customer relationship management appeared.
The customer relationship management has been installed first by engineers and mathematicians, setting up some programs to optimize the customers data base they had to allow the company to become more efficient.
But now we see a metamorphose of the CRM. The new CRM incorporates Web 2.0 tools to optimize the relationship with customers.
Indeed, a relationship has to be built on both ends, by the customer and the companies. A one way relationship is most of the time not healthy and do not last long. Now the companies has to include the customers in its processes, and build, as it is explained in the article, a community.
"The next generation of e-commerce has to be a unique customer experience that will enable companies and their customers to function as a community, creating new solutions and using existing ones in close collaboration. The free flow of information will allow the community to identify the respective needs immediately and seamlessly deliver the right solutions."
That also means, more humans (humanity?) in the system. More interaction between the brand and the customers. And that implies a high collaboration between the marketing and the sales force.
"Recognizing the importance of making the sales and marketing process an interactive conversation, smart companies worldwide are leveraging User groups, social networks, message boards, blogs and video sharing. They are engaging the customer via personal pages, RSS, social filters and making it on-demand through mobile web, mobile applications, SMS, podcasting, streaming video and so forth."
This is one of the next challenge of the CRM: bring some human skills, and to establish strong relations between marketing and sales support to optimize the information flow between the customers and the brand.

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