Friday, January 04, 2008

Fake Facebook president driving French Media Crazy

I haven't seen a lot of reactions in the US to this big hoax that happened in France, so I wanted to inform my english speaking audience.

In France, Indeed, LCI, which is a "French CNN", announced that Arash Derambarsh, a young French law student, has been elected via a facebook application (from a third party though) "president of Facebook". Basicly, the story tells us he has been elected by Facebook users and then holds know the president of Facebook position. He can then send emails to anyone, and can reach two times more people than Nicolas Sarkozy (referring to the number of Facebook users).

Most of French media published the information, but it was actually a hoax! This person has never been elected president of Facebook. This story shows nevertheless that French reporters don't check their sources enough!

I am sorry I could not provide you some english content about the story, but I did not find any. Also, a special thanks to Jeremie Berrebi where I first found the info.

1 comment:

  1. C'est quand même hallucinant de voir des trucs pareil sauf qu'au niveau de la blogosphère, cela n'a pas marché, ce sont les médias traditionnels qui ce sont fait avoir ! Et oui des pros du journalisme français ! C'est quand même dingue de voir des trucs pareils ? ;)
