Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Android: the new Google strategy on mobile phone

It has been a while there was a buzz about a possible Gphone, a mobile phone developped by the Giant search engine of Mountain View.

We know now a little bit more about the project. Google won't produce a Gphone, it will provide an open-development platform for mobile devices.

The name of the project is called Android, which is actually the name of a company Google bought couple of years ago that was specialized in wireless systems.

Google announced that it established 33 partnerships with phone producers like Samsung, and phone operators like T-mobile.

Google has totally understand the importance of the mobility. We can expect to have a terrible competition in the market next year, with blackberry reaching the private consumer market, windows mobile wanted to expand its marketshares and now Apple and Google getting in the ring.

1 comment:

  1. Je vois que t'a fait un billet sur Android !! Ben oui, comme j'en ai pas fait ( je plaisante ... , en tout cas Google avance à pas de géants et qu'il est en train de devenir une très grosse machine, surtout avec son OpenSocial ... ;)
