Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Retail Is A Media: How Carrefour Uses Its Store For Advertizing Purposes

Since the First Moment Of Truth concept, it has been a while that POS (Point of Sale) marketing has been developped in order to boost sales in store. Of course, a good advertizing during the shopping experience could be far more productive than advertizing on standard media while customers are not really into the mindset of editing their shopping list.

Carrefour has developped its POS tools in order to convince suppliers to use them. You will have below a very interesting video showing examples on how to use their services. 

Now, what I believe is still lacking while discussing about the impact of point of sales marketing, is the real impact of it. Indeed, in order to really trigger the sales, it is important this point of sales marketing effort is linked with other triggers, especially promotions. We all know how much of an impact it could be to have both leveraged at the same time.

What do you think about it?