Monday, April 01, 2013

Auchan's Entreprise Feedback Management: Leveraging Store's Feedback

Enterprise feedback management is an important part of a comprehensive customer relationship management strategy. EFM aims to collect and organize customer's feedback from whereever it may come. With nowadays over connected world, feedback may come from in store comments, emails, mailings, social media, phone calls, blogs, among others.

I have been reading in Linéaires an article about the CRM manager at Auchan Jérôme Desreumaux, one of the largest retailer in France, selling mostly fast moving goods. Each Auchan stores in France welcome every day on average 10 000 different customers! Therefore leveraging the informations these customers may give can be a powerful tool in order to improve the commercial concept. Auchan recieves every year 200 000 feedback. It is important to know how to give meaning to these feedbacks, but also it is very important to know how to collect those.

What is interesting in this article, is the split between the different sources of feedback:
  • 25% comes from store comments left in a ballot by customers
  • 25% comes from employees from the frontdesks who type in customers' comments
  • 25% comes from notes taken by store and department managers
  • 25% comes from other media, such as mailing, emailing...
What is fascinating, is that still 75% of comments come from the store! Indeed, in retail, stores remain the main medium of communication. 

It is always more difficult to get these insights, as it is difficult to automate feedback in store. It is interesting to see how Auchan succeeds in getting so many feedback from stores.