Je mettrai très prochainement le travail écrit que j'ai effectué pour l'admission au programme Distribution et Relation Client à Dauphine sur mon site Internet. Celui-ci porte sur le commerce de proximité et les nouveaux comportements d'achat. Je me tiendrais à la disposition des personnes désirant connaître plus d'information sur ce travail sur mon blog.
I will post the report I wrote for my Dauphine admission. The issue is the proximity commerce in France regarding the new consumer behavior. I will be pleased to answer to questions about it, and I also hope it will help out people that are working on the same subject. I will probably post a comment on my blog soon to sum up my researches.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Monday, May 08, 2006
The new intelligent loyalty card
As you might know, if you really know me well, I am fund of Customer Relationship Management. I am also very attracted by all the new technology that can promote them, or even improve it thanks to new tools to mesure and understand customer needs and wishes. Thus, I have been very interrested lately by the new programs set up by Visa (a wordwide well known credit card company).
This company decided to launch some discounts policy with their program. Hence, one of the main purpose of a credit card such as a visa master card is to offer financial services attached to the use of the card. For example, they offer an insurance, recovering a 100% the purchases stolen for a one month period, or a non fee use in foreign countries of their card. But a couple of weeks ago, I have realised they were offering an extended offer : from now on, they will propose discounts on for example flights, or in some travel agencies. But in my opinion, that is just the beginning of what can be accomplished in this area.
Banks are the companies that have the biggest customer data base. They have some demographic information (your name, sex, location), but also the information of your purchases : as you can see in your monthly bank sum up, they can know about how much money is in your accountS (even the one you are not actually using), what you are buying, where (they can know the specific location of the Mac Donald's you are going to), and how often you go there. What a dream for every direct marketing or brand loyalty manager!
As the technology is improving more and more, we can imagine, with some high tech programs, to build up personalize multi brand loyalty programs, to adapt to the customers needs. As you might now, some companies in France have build up some multi-branded loyalty programs. For example, Mouvango, is a program developped by Accentiv', a sub division of the Accor group, on the concept of travel. Thus, they have made their program all around this concept, developping partnership with hotel company (Accor ones such as Novotel), gas company (Total), restaurant (Campanil)...
Those programs are based on a concept that have been build up for many different type of customer. But with the high technology that exist nowadays, we can dream about an intelligent card, that depending on what you buy and how often, will be able to determine the discounts you would have.
Hypermarket companies like Carrefour proposes some loyalty cards based on the declaration of the customers: the customer choose out of many different brands which one he would like to have discounts on it. That is a sort of the concept I am planning will be developped. But this time, the program will be dynamic, since depending of the season you are not puchasing the same products, and the program will be adapting itself to your customer experience.
Thus, we can think, thanks to those new concepts with technology, that banks and credit cards services will be able to develop some intelligent and dynamic multi-brand credit card. And when that will be the case, we would really be able to say "the company is adapting itself to the customer".
This company decided to launch some discounts policy with their program. Hence, one of the main purpose of a credit card such as a visa master card is to offer financial services attached to the use of the card. For example, they offer an insurance, recovering a 100% the purchases stolen for a one month period, or a non fee use in foreign countries of their card. But a couple of weeks ago, I have realised they were offering an extended offer : from now on, they will propose discounts on for example flights, or in some travel agencies. But in my opinion, that is just the beginning of what can be accomplished in this area.
Banks are the companies that have the biggest customer data base. They have some demographic information (your name, sex, location), but also the information of your purchases : as you can see in your monthly bank sum up, they can know about how much money is in your accountS (even the one you are not actually using), what you are buying, where (they can know the specific location of the Mac Donald's you are going to), and how often you go there. What a dream for every direct marketing or brand loyalty manager!
As the technology is improving more and more, we can imagine, with some high tech programs, to build up personalize multi brand loyalty programs, to adapt to the customers needs. As you might now, some companies in France have build up some multi-branded loyalty programs. For example, Mouvango, is a program developped by Accentiv', a sub division of the Accor group, on the concept of travel. Thus, they have made their program all around this concept, developping partnership with hotel company (Accor ones such as Novotel), gas company (Total), restaurant (Campanil)...
Those programs are based on a concept that have been build up for many different type of customer. But with the high technology that exist nowadays, we can dream about an intelligent card, that depending on what you buy and how often, will be able to determine the discounts you would have.
Hypermarket companies like Carrefour proposes some loyalty cards based on the declaration of the customers: the customer choose out of many different brands which one he would like to have discounts on it. That is a sort of the concept I am planning will be developped. But this time, the program will be dynamic, since depending of the season you are not puchasing the same products, and the program will be adapting itself to your customer experience.
Thus, we can think, thanks to those new concepts with technology, that banks and credit cards services will be able to develop some intelligent and dynamic multi-brand credit card. And when that will be the case, we would really be able to say "the company is adapting itself to the customer".
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Thèse Thesis
Ainsi, je viens de finir mon mémoire réalisé dans le cadre de mes études à l’IPAG. Ayant eu beaucoup de mal à trouver des informations sur le sujet du sponsoring du sport associatif, ce mémoire sera téléchargeable sur mon site Internet J’espère qu’il aidera les investigations dans ce domaine, qui m’a paru d’un très grand intérêt. Je publierai certainement prochainement un résumé de celui-ci.
As it can interest other students for academic researches, I will share on line my thesis about the sport sponsoring. It will be available on very soon. I think it can be interesting for anybody who wants to have information about this media that I do consider as an important one.
As it can interest other students for academic researches, I will share on line my thesis about the sport sponsoring. It will be available on very soon. I think it can be interesting for anybody who wants to have information about this media that I do consider as an important one.
Mythologies de Roland Barthes
Le dernier livre que j’ai lu était Mythologies de Roland Barthes. Ce livre, écrit par un spécialiste en méthodologie, est axé sur la description de concepts et d’événements contemporains (ce livre a été écrit dans les années 1950), et considéré par les publicitaires comme un ouvrage de référence. En effet, ce livre, en appliquant une méthodologie descriptive s’évertue à donner un sens mythologique aux thèmes abordés. Par ce procédé, la psychologie des consommateurs de lessives, les adorateurs de la DS, ou encore les spectateurs de catch sont comparés à des attitudes ancestrales de mystification et de démystification.
Mais un autre point important abordé par l’auteur est celui de la petite bourgeoisie. Roland Barthes décrit cette population comme possédant une obsession du comptage. Ainsi, pour lui, la valeur des choses doit toujours s’apprécier de façon numéraire, que ce soit la sueur de l’acteur, du nombre de lieux touristiques à visiter dans une ville. Cette obnubilation, qui peut parfois paraître démesurer, semble néanmoins avéré. Ainsi, souvent, la valeur d’un artiste est toujours considérée en lieu égard au nombre de disques qu’il aura vendu, l’intérêt d’une voiture à sa puissance. Ce critère numéraire est dans un sens rassurant, car il peut être évalué, et considéré comme objectif. Seulement, l’envie de mesurer l’art est très difficilement réalisable. Ainsi, Mozart ne s’est il pas vu refuser une pièce de musique sous le prétexte qu’elle comportait trop de note ? De même certains travaux trouve leurs véritables valeurs sur des critères non estimables financièrement.
Bien plus que la méthodologie, et l’envie de trouver un sens à des comportements contemporains, je pense que la réelle leçon que l’on peut tiré de ce bouquin est bien celle de la petite bourgeoisie, tellement obnubilé par ces comptes qu’elle en oublie d’apprécier des critères subjectifs pourtant essentiels dans certains cas.
Mais un autre point important abordé par l’auteur est celui de la petite bourgeoisie. Roland Barthes décrit cette population comme possédant une obsession du comptage. Ainsi, pour lui, la valeur des choses doit toujours s’apprécier de façon numéraire, que ce soit la sueur de l’acteur, du nombre de lieux touristiques à visiter dans une ville. Cette obnubilation, qui peut parfois paraître démesurer, semble néanmoins avéré. Ainsi, souvent, la valeur d’un artiste est toujours considérée en lieu égard au nombre de disques qu’il aura vendu, l’intérêt d’une voiture à sa puissance. Ce critère numéraire est dans un sens rassurant, car il peut être évalué, et considéré comme objectif. Seulement, l’envie de mesurer l’art est très difficilement réalisable. Ainsi, Mozart ne s’est il pas vu refuser une pièce de musique sous le prétexte qu’elle comportait trop de note ? De même certains travaux trouve leurs véritables valeurs sur des critères non estimables financièrement.
Bien plus que la méthodologie, et l’envie de trouver un sens à des comportements contemporains, je pense que la réelle leçon que l’on peut tiré de ce bouquin est bien celle de la petite bourgeoisie, tellement obnubilé par ces comptes qu’elle en oublie d’apprécier des critères subjectifs pourtant essentiels dans certains cas.
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