Saturday, May 31, 2008

Windows mobile versus Blackberry

  • Windows Mobile versus blackberry
Lately I have conducted some research about the different option in the market concerning smart phones. I am sure that some of you probably owns a smartphone or are considering buying one in a near future, so I decided to share with you my research and my opinion. Hopefully It will help.

The prices
First, I think that you should consider getting one of these toys with a phone plan. This will be way less expensive (around $50 versus 400 by themselves). Anyway, how will you use them if you don't have a plan? I did not study the plans, at least in the US, because I am coming back to France, but I believe they are sort of the same. Also, I think that $50 for such powerful tools is not really expensive. I think constructors have made a lot of effort to make their phones more affordable, and thus attack the customer market. Back in the days, I talked to a representative of Blackberry France that told me their main goal is to focus in the business to customer market, also because the professional market is close to saturation and don't allow a lot of roomWindows Mobile versus Blackberry to expand.

My needs
I have specific needs for my cell phones that convinced me I want a smart phone:

  • An organizational tool: I struggled for the longest time of my lack of organizational skills. I am mainly a creative person, and I had to work a lot on my organizational skills. That is why a year ago I bought my first windows mobile device, an Acer. I think that this help a lot, because at any time you have a tool that will order your contact information, and you'll be able to see and update your schedule very easily. I advice any busy person that has problem to keep things organize to own one of these smart phones, It will help you a lot.
  • A tool to go on the Internet: I'd like to have a tool that will help me to read my rss feeds efficiently while I am in the public transportation for example. This is important because if you want to make the best out of your available time, and you spend so much time in the metro, you need to keep busy. Reading rss feeds is for sure a great tool.
  • Being able to post from the device: As a blogger, how many times I have forgot to post a great idea I had because I did not have access to the Internet or to my blog platform. I'd like to have a phone that will have a comfortable keyboard, which allows you to write fast a blog article. That is also the reason why I did not want to get an Iphone and I won't talk about it here, because I don't believe that their keyboard is really great for writing long articles. Hence I am agree with David Spark's opinion about the Iphone you can read here.
  • Eventually to use it as a multimedia player: This is not one of my main criteria, but it will be great if it could have a good memory in order for me to also listen to podcast and some of my favorite song. But as I already have a nano Ipod, this is not mandatory.
My thought at this momentWindows mobile vs blackberry
  • Concerning the keyboard, I have tried both the Samsung and the Blackberry keyboards to write a post. I think that the Samsung keyboard's keys are a little bit larger and more convenient. Even though I feel comfortable with the blackberry's one, I think the windows mobile empowered mobile is better
  • Concerning the rss feed reader, I think there is a great advantage for the blackberry. I had a windows mobile device and the Internet browser sucks. This is not possible to see a webpage easilly. Thanks to its build-in rss feed reader, this is very convenient to read a blog with a Blackberry device.
  • Concerning the organizational tool, I have one problem with the blackberry model. Thus, I use Outlook for my calendars, contacts and tasks. By using blackberry, this is not that convenient to synchronize your Outlook. I have already made the experience, and trust me, this is not easy at all to get something that synchronize both. So advantage for Outlook and Windows Mobile on this side.
My research are not done yet, and I'd like to speak with some users, to have their opinion about it. What do you think about smart phones? What is your opinion? I'd be glad to have your opinion on it. I'll give you update on my research and my choice while I'll know more about the topic.
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Friday, May 30, 2008

Why I am not writting a lot of articles these past few days

As I have said in a previous post, I am very sorry for the fact I did not write much these past few days. I have been very busy for different reasons and it has been hard to keep with the rythm I had this year concerning my blog.

As some of you might know, I finished my internship couple of weeks ago, and I decided to come back to France to look for a job. I had some opportunities to work here, but I think that at this moment, it is the best to come back to France. I'll probably talk about that more in a next post.

The fact is that since I'm done with my internship and I am moving back to France, my schedule has been turned up side down. Indeed, I had a specific schedule dedicated to Internet research and blog writing, among other daily tasks. But now, I have some problem to get back on track, especially because I have different things to get done that are important and time consuming (sending stuffs to France, cancelling bank accounts and so on... Not really cool stuffs to do, but I have to).

Anyway, I have a lot of new posts ideas coming through my mind, and I wish I'll be able to share it with you soon.
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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Commerce électronique : De la stratégie à la mise en oeuvre opérationnelle

Commerce électronique : De la stratégie à la mise en oeuvre opérationnelleJe tiens tout d'abord à m'excuser auprès de mes lecteurs réguliers de ne pas avoir été très prolifique ces derniers temps. Je vous expliquerai dans un prochain article pourquoi. Aujourd'hui je souhaitais faire une peu de publicité pour un ouvrage que je n'ai pas encore eu l'occasion de lire, mais dont je ne doute aucunement de la qualité.

Il y a une dizaine de jour j'ai reçu un email de mon ancien professeur de système d'informations à l'université Paris Dauphine, Henri Isaac, m'alertant de la sortie d'un livre s'intitulant "Commerce électronique : De la stratégie à la mise en oeuvre opérationnelle". Je vous invite à vous procurez et à lire cet ouvrage, pour les raisons suivantes:
  • Henri Isaac est un spécialiste en la matière: Henri Isaac est sans nul doute l'un des professeurs préférés du master distribution et relation client pour deux principales raisons. La première est qu'il est une mine d'information sur les nouvelles technologies et les systèmes d'information. Il possède une expertise et une connaissance de ces sujets très pointues. De plus, il est passionné par ce sujet, et ses cours sont toujours vivants et animés.
  • Un outil opérationnel et complet : La gestion du commerce électronique est un sujet vaste, et lorsqu'on entreprend un projet de ce type, la multitude de problématiques liées à cet exercice peut être délicate à appréhender. Ce livre présente clairement les étapes et les problématiques, et devient ainsi un guide opérationnel.
  • Les éditions Pearson sont d'une très bonne qualité: J'ai déjà l'édition concernant la gestion de la relation client, et ce livre est d'une très grande qualité.
Pour plus d'information,, ou vous pourrez trouver la table des matières et une présentation des auteurs, mais aussi une très bonne idée ("2.0"), une section dédiée à l'actualisation des études de cas.

Je vais très certainement me procurer cet ouvrage, et vous ferez par de mon avis sur celui-ci.
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Friday, May 23, 2008

Réussir son entretien d'embauche selon Henri Kaufman

Vous le savez certainement, j'apprécie particulièrement Henri Kaufman. En effet, je lis quotidiennement son blog sur le marketing. Il a pris l'habitude ces derniers temps, avec son compagnon de vidéo PPC, de faire des vidéos-conseils, 7 points en 7 minutes. Aujourd'hui, un sujet passionant, puisqu'il me concerne directement: réussir son entretien d'embauche. J'espère que le sujet vous intéressera. Je trouve en tout cas les points d'une exceptionnelle pertinence. Encore merci Henri pour ces précieux conseils.

  1. Se renseigner à fond sur l'entreprise (ses produits, son site,
    les blogs de ses collaborateurs, ses plaquettes, son implantation...).
    Consommer ses produits si possible.
  2. Se renseigner autant que possible sur le profil de votre interlocuteur (parcours, fonction, personnalité...),
  3. Répéter l'entretien - ce que vous allez dire- devant quelqu'un ou à défaut, devant une glace,
  4. Préparer son muscle zygomatique quelques minutes avant l'entretien ; pourquoi pas dans l'ascenseur ?
  5. Préparer son look, son maquillage (ni trop, ni trop peu), en
    fonction du poste brigué. Pas de costume du Dimanche serré aux
    entournures !
  6. Soigner les 30 premières secondes de l'entretien. Préparer les réponses aux questions
    inattendues (les hobbies, les missions). La fin de l'entretien : ce que
    vous allez apporter à cette entreprise (dynamisme, expertise, compétences, relations, etc...,
  7. Ne pas partir sans la
    phrase magique : "et maintenant, que va-t-il se passer ?". Quel est le
    next step ? et n'oubliez pas de parler aussi des entretiens que vous
    avez eus ou allez avoir avec d'autres sociétés... La concurrence est valable dans les deux sens !

Conclusion : au retour
chez vous, faites un débrief écrit de l'entretien (classé dans un
cahier) ; déterminez la date de votre rappel et... au suivant ! Chaque
entretien est la marche d'un escalier qui mène vers le palier de
l'embauche définitive. Chaque entretien cisèle votre candidature et le
recruteur met en lumière des points faibles que vous corrigerez aux
entretiens suivants.

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Gas Prices impact the Airlines industry: American Airlines charging $15 to check one bag

Gas prices is for sure the issue number 1 in the United States right now. High gas prices is driving customers anger and lower their spendings since it impacts deeply their household budget. Airlines are also affected by this problem. In order to keep their margin, they start to "unbundled" their prices, charging customers for all the different service they used to include in their prices. It has  already been a year now passengers need to purchase food and/or drinks during domestic flights.

Now we have reached a new step: companies start charging if you travel with luggages. American Airlines announced they will charge $15 for one bag starting June 15 (source, San Jose Mercury News, May22 2008).

Why don't they simply raise their prices?
Well the problem is that this market is dominated by price competition, with a very few possible ways of differentiation. The arrival of price comparison search engine, such as Expedia, Orbitz or Opodo, helped customers to focus on prices. Raising the prices is not a viable solution as it will probably plummet market shares of the airlines.

I am still deceived about this strategy. Indeed, these items and services offered during a flight became the norm, and if you fly, you expect these kind of services to be included. This move is simply complicating an offer that might have been simple in the past. Also, let's not forget that these services were some of the key advantages of airplanes versus taking the train. Now that the train might come back in the US (I heard that people were thinking about a high speed train connection between San Francisco and Los Angeles), because it is more energy efficient, and use electricity instead of fuel for planes.

What is clear is that US airlines are in deep trouble:
  • This year the US airlines industry has lost $2 billion in the first quarter
  • 8 airlines filed for bankruptcy protection
  • Companies are diminishing their number of lights from 10 to 11%
What do you think about it? What I know, is that I'll probably come back shortly on this issue to explain why I believe the train transportation will probably come back in the US as a viable alternative to the more and more expensive plane transit.

(source: San Jose Mercury News)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

CRM 2.0: Nokia launches a campaign to connect with customers.

Nicolas Schriver Internet, CRM and BeyondThis news is a little bit old as I read it about a month ago on the USA today. Nokia hired moviemaker Spike Lee to do a short film which will be created from material done by consumers at Nokia users have until August 21 to upload their contribution to the movie, whether it is video, audio or text. Afterward, the producer of Malcom X will make the cut for a 9 to 12 minutes ilm which will be broadcasted this fall at the soon to open Club Nokia auditorium in LA.

This try reminds me of what French entrepreneur Loic Lemeur is undertaking with start up Seesmic: create professional content done by Internet users. Spike Lee is therefore here to give a professional result to amateurs' videos. I'll probably post the video of the final result on this blog when it will be available.

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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

New Nike Soccer Commercial: in the body of an Arsenal player

This is a cool new commercial of Nike I found on Scott Purdie's blog. I think the concept is very good.

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Plaxo acquired by Comcast

As a user of Plaxo, I received today an email letting me know the company has been bought by Comcast, the US cable company. The email is not really explicative, trying mainly to insure users that this acquisition won't affect the quality of the service.

In fact, I am also concerned about this move. Will Comcast have access to the massive data base of Plaxo? I hope it won't, and I don't think it will happen. But after having read this email, I still wonder why Comcast had bought Plaxo.
The official reason is to allow Plaxo to be used on a TV set, and therefore to give it a bigger impact. I am not sure that it is true.

One of the reason might be that Comcast is not really present on the Internet. Comcast provides Internet access, but don't have any online service so far. Maybe Comcast is willing to be more present on this medium, in the future to propose some editorial content (whether it is video or writing). I also believe that on a long term period the Comcast's business model will ave to change, because the TV as we know it right now won't exist anymore. Most of the show will probably be broadcasted on the Internet. Comcast is maybe trying to move toward that direction.

On Plaxo's side, maybe this was the time to be bought, as a part of the start up trend is looking forward to being bought by a bigger entity.

What is your opinion about it? What is the idea & strategy of Comcast while making this move?
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How to make great powerpoint presentations

Here is a great power point slide show which explains you some key concepts to edit great power point presentation. The main facts:
  • Keep it simple
  • Some figures
  • Only present things that you master

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Neuromarketing: is there a future for this new trend?

I heard for the first time about Neuromarketing in Marketing Magazine, in July 2007. This new trend does not surprise me at all, since marketing tends to know better and better the customers, by using new technologies. I wanted today to give a focus about neuromarketing, as this topic is pretty controversial.

According to Wikipedia, Neuromarketing is a new field of marketing that studies consumers sensorimotor, cognitive, and affective response to marketing stimuli. Therefore, in order to understand better customer behavior and factors that impacts its buying decision, marketers try to identify how the human brains in order to enhance their marketing proposition.

Knowing what the customer wants has always been the dream of any marketer. Marketing is a difficult science, as it aims to offer the best message at the right time in order to convince the customer to buy a product. The problem is that customers' minds are very complex & unpredictable.

The role of science in marketing
Science has helped a lot marketing in this sense. Thanks to mathematics, especially, people are able to forecast probabilities, and to predict the results of a specific marketing campaigns. A great return of investment forecast is based on maths, on statistics predictions.

Also, marketing has based a lot of its triggers thanks to philosophy, and sociology. Based on studies, over the years, marketing has become more and more efficient, whereas the competition has become bigger.

Why using neuromarketing
One of the problem with the different measuring tools we had in the past is that it is based on the verbal expression of what the customer wants. The results could hence be biased upon how the question has been asked. Indeed, this information is mainly rational, occulting the whole emotional aspect of the decision making process. Therefore, by entering the human brain, scientists are willing to understand better the emotional side of the customer.

How does that work?
Neuromarketing uses the IRM technology, which gives a picture of the activity zones of the brain while exposed to a marketing stimuli.

Case Study: Coca VS Pepsi
In a study published in Neuron in 2004, 67 people brain scanned during a blind taste test of Coca Cola & Pepsi. The study show that the majority prefered Pepsi during the blind taste, but picked the Coke while seeing the brands. This study is supposed to show that while speaking about Coca Cola, the brain thinks about all the memories it is related to.

My opinion
The fact is that a customer has multiple factors affecting his buying behavior. Depending on his background, on his mood, on his knowledge about the product, the result will be different. I don't think we can get any conclusion of the neuromarketing so far as it can't be applied on a large scale. Can it help to set a marketing campaign? I don't think so. It might be able to shape a little bit better a marketing operation, but will never replace other kind of marketing research.

 Neuromarketing could be though a great thing to experiment and to understand maybe better the decision making process, but can't be used to better a marketing campaign in my opinion. Also, the cost of such a research is high (730 euros/person).

In my opinion, neuromarketing is not the future of marketing. It will never allow a marketer to know exactly what to propose to customers.

What do you think about it? Do you think neuromarketing has a great future? Would you use it for your marketing decision? Do you have case studies on how neuromarketing has been used?

By the way, while conducting research about this topic, I found the neuromarketing blog,, which is very interesting and that I had to my netvibes. It gives good information on marketing scientific research.
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Monday, May 19, 2008

The Semantic Search Engines: the "Google Killers"

The issue of Keyword Search Engine
There is a sort of rebellion on the web these past few months. Google dominates the search engine market, but a lot of people criticize their algorithm, based on keyword search. Because of this concept, some web pages, stuffed with keywords have a better ranking than some more qualitative pages that focused on content quality instead of search engine optimization.

The main issue that keyword-based search causes is that human language is more complex than a simple juxtaposition of words. Some words have double meanings, and if you don't take into consideration the syntax and the context.
Therefore, some companies started prospecting some new ways to search the web, with new concept of searches. Some of them are based on human collaboration (human search engine). The most famous of these one is I have already tried mahalo for a little while, but I have not really been convinced by it so far. To be honest, I think this style of search engine requires a lot of time to be efficient, and will never been able to be as reactive as a search engine that will go through the Internet on a regular basis.

Google Killers
However, today I have seen another kind of search engine that could be define as a "Google Killer". This is called Semantic Search Engine. As I have said, it is very important not only to check keywords, but also the context why they have been used in a specific webpage. And these new search engine are eager to focus on this semantic aspect that Google do not take into consideration (maybe so far, as Google will probably adjust its search engine within the next few years).

One of them is start-up Powerset.

"Keyword engines treat pages as word bags, indexing their content without grasping its meaning, he said. Meanwhile, Powerset's engine, applying technology developed in-house as well as licensed from Xerox's PARC subsidiary, creates a semantic representation by parsing each sentence and extracting its meaning. "Meaning is what we index," he said." (source: So far, Powerset focuses on Wikipedia's pages (it is a beta version you can try out). But the fact is that they might be the future of search engine.

Problem that might have Semantic Search Engine
The main problem is that languages are difficult to analyze. Languages are complex, especially because syntax changes from a language to another. Also, because of double meanings, play on words, and all sort of different problem, it won't be easy to set up a reliable semantic search engine solution. However, with the research advances and the will to see Google's supremacy coming to an end, I believe Powerset and like can see a great future before them.

What do you think? Do you think some of these new actors in the market have a chance to challenge Google's search engine model? Do you believe semantic search have a future?

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Friday, May 16, 2008

Why Peugeot, Reunault and Citroen should come in the U.S. Market

Peugeot-Citroen & Renault are the 3 main French car manufacturers. They are present all over the world, from Europe to Asia, from Africa to South America. Hence, Renault is present in 118countries  (figures from their website), and Peugeot is well settled in countries like China or Russia.

These three companies tried to get into the US market in the 70s but did not encounter success. Because of this failure, no other attempt have been tried so far.

But I really believe that French cars should be in this market, and here are the reasons why.

The market has changed since the 70s-80s failure.

At this time, the US market was dominated by US car manufacturers such as General Motors, which were proposing the same kind of car ranges than French producers did. The only foreign companies that succeeded at this time were Asian manufacturers proposing cheap cars, which US  companies did not really know how to do at this time.
Also there was a high cost of distribution in this market. The supply chain was costly as French companies' plants were mainly in Europe, and also did not have a proper retail system to deal with tis cost.

Nowadays, we see that the supremacy of US manufacturers in the domestic market has collapsed. GM is facing major problems and losing market shares. It is not taboo anymore to by an Asian car, and top of the line European brands such as BMW, Mercedes or Saab are now on the market. So why not French cars?

The need for more fuel efficient car
With the gas prices rocketing these days MPG (miles per gallon) has become the n1 issue in the US. Most of car commercials on TV are focusing on gas efficiency, as they understood it was a priority for American consumers. Over the past years, we have seen a great shift, from big pick-up truck to smaller vehicle, consuming less gas. Gas prices will still go up. This is also one of the reason why US manufacturers have problems to face Asian companies: they have never developed a real know-how on how to deliver fuel efficient cars.
Even though Toyota's hybrid engine is a way more advance technology than French car manufacturer propose so far, French cars are known not to consume a lot of gas (as gas prices are way more higher than here in the US).

The need of small urban cars
Major cities downtown are getting more and more busy, and it is hard to find parking places now. This explains why the Smart cars are knowing success in the US. French cars have a great know-how on how to build small convenient cars, with the 207 for Peugeot, Clio for Renault, and C3 for Citroen. If the Smart and Mini Coopers are succeeding, there is a market for French small cars.

The need of exoticisms
Design-wise, US car models are not real innovative nor attractive. US consumers are seeking for nice design, that are actually most of the time proposed by European manufacturers: The New Beetle, Mini Cooper or BMW's models. French cars have original designs that have their chances to seduce the American clientele.

So what do you think about it? Are you ready to buy French cars? Do you think it is the best time to get into this market?

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Thursday, May 15, 2008

The French job market: when demand's will is different from the supply's needs

This is a very interesting article I checked on

Herein is a graph illustrating the gap between new alumni's interest and companies needs. In orange, the number of resumes sent, in blue, the number of job offers, by categories. We can see that the demand is larger than the supply especially for the marketing and communication fields, and the research and studies one. On the other hand, there is a large offer for sales positions and the information system area.

This is very interesting I am currently conducting research to identify what kind of job I would like. I am pretty lucky though, as I am interested by both a sales position or in the Internet sector. I'd like to have an experience of couple of years in the sales field, even though I would like afterward to have a strong marketing position. I actually believe that first job positions as sales manager are more fun than marketing's ones. It allows you to understand better customers too.

In terms of negotiation, this is also an advantage for the employee, as he has a bigger negotiation power on the company.
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Starbucks uses the web 2.0 technologies to improve its service

I went onto the website of Starbucks today, and I found on the right hand side of the site a little icon: "got an idea?". You then land onto a new page where starbucks ask you to help shape the future of the company with your ideas. Who knows better the problems of Starbucks than its customers?

Post your Starbucks Idea—from ways we could improve to things we’ve never even thought of.
Check out other people’s ideas and vote on the ones you like best. The community votes. The community decides.
Talk about ideas with other customers and our Starbucks Idea Partners and help make them even better.
This is the proof. See which of your ideas were the most popular and watch as we take action.

It is actually a sort of blog where you can vote for the best ideas (articles), and discuss them by leaving comments.

Indeed, Starbucks is willing to leverage as much as it can its customers' knowledge of the brand in order to adjust their service. This is typically a web 2.0 oriented strategy. It uses the Internet technologies (most of them inspired by blogging) to converse with the customers, and get the best of the ideas to implement them.

You can:
  • Submit an idea
  • Vote for the ideas
  • Discuss about the idea

Also, what I like is that in order to avoid becoming a reclamation platform, this site focuses on ideas to improve the system. The only thing I would like to know is what kind of structure they set in order to use all the feedback to turn these ideas in actual services.

What do you think about it?  Do you think your company should have the same tool? Do you think this will become the standard in the next few years?
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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Where should an entrepreneur start his business? Asia, Europe or America

Here is a very interesting video posted on Loic Lemeur's blog. Three entrepreneurs discuss about their experience as entrepreneur, trying to identify the pros and the cons of each continent to start a business.

In my opinion, entrepreneurship is more a state of mind than anything, and therefore the place you start your business does not really matter. I hear a lot of people in France complaining that it is difficult in our country to launch a start up, especially because of the tax pressure. I must disagree. France is a great country to launch a business with a high consumption, and with well-qualified people. Of course each country has its downside, & in France we have a lot, but it should not stop someone to start its business. If you have faith, a good idea (and not the best idea ever), you should be fine.

I must agree also that Loic is right that to start a global company, the US is the best place because the size of the North American market. But I think the video is great as it shows well different aspects and advantages of each solutions.

What do you think about it?
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Monday, May 12, 2008

Some solutions for the gas crisis

I have been watching C-span lately and I saw some very interesting discussions about the gas crisis which is affecting the US economy. Indeed, the United States are experiencing a deep crisis because of the rise of gas prices and the weakness of the dollar. The transportation system in this country has been based on the car, and this crisis impacts a lot US citizens. I came in the US a year ago, and the gallon was around $2.60 and it is now $3.90 (what I paid yesterday).

The question is what kind of actions the government can undertake to both limit gas prices raise, and to be less dependent of gas.

· Lower the speed limit.At 65 mph you’re burning 10% more fuel than at 55, according to the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy. At 70 you lose 17% of your fuel economy, and at 75 it’s 25%. The numbers get worse from there.” This is a fast & easy action the government could take. Of course, that would not be enough to dramatically lower the demand, and therefore have a great impact on gas prices. It would though lower US consumers budget dedicated to gas.

· Develop a reliable public transportation system. Here in the Silicon Valley we can’t really say we have a good public transportation system. It is pretty expensive ($8 a round trip to the San Francisco Airport), not complete (one train line), and not enough trains (1 train/hour after 6pm). Public transportation will give a greater option for people to go to work.

o Lower public transportation prices (by giving subventions to public transportation companies)

o Raise the number of lines and trains.

· Try to limit the needs in oil by using new sources of energy, and if possible produced inside the US. I heard a lot US politicians making an example of French energy program. Indeed, oil is also used to heat houses, produce electricity, and French electricity is produced for 90% thanks to nuclear factories. The US needs to develop an energy program that will focus on new sources of energy, to durably diminish their needs in gas.

What do you think? Do you have other ideas to limit the rise of gas prices, and/or

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Back to blogging

I haven’t been able to write these past couple of days onto my blog. I have been on vacation for 10 days visiting the south west of the United States (Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, LA…), and when I came back I had to finish my internship, and had a lot of work to do.

Actually this is a great thing not to write, and not to be in contact with the web for a little while. It allows you to have a clearer vision of what you do, and therefore to make adjustment where you are suppose to do some. That also gives you another vision on your work.

I m finally done with my internship, and I will be able to dedicate time to looking for a job, and relaxing for a little while. I will also spend some times on organizing my days, to set great basements for my next professional adventure.

If by any chance you would like to know more about me and are seeking for a marketing or sales manager, feel free to contact me, I will take into consideration your offer, and send you my resume and cover letter. Also, if you are willing to know my opinion about your marketing, sales, or business strategy, I'll be glad to discuss about it too.

Even though I did not write for a while, I thought a lot, and I will have a lot to tell you within the next few days.