Monday, April 04, 2016

Interesting Article About Aldi In The US

We have already discussed on this blog about the aggressive strategy German hard discounter are undertaking in the US. Aldi is forecasting to open 46 stores in 2016 while Lidl is soon to enter the market, and has already set up its headquarters in America. 

I found this very interesting article about Aldi's opening in South California. Indeed, you can clearly see how much of an impact a retail chain like Aldi can make in the US market. It provides good information about ths strategy of Aldi:
  • Mostly private label
  • They Settle near competitions, for instance Walmart
  • They propose very aggressive pricing
  • They work on the operational cost like no other ones.
I believe hard discounting will become one of the major trend Walmart will need to follow in order to keep its market shares. Because the growth of Hard discount could have a deep impact on how Americans shop for grocery in a near future.