Saturday, January 08, 2011

Interactive Advertizing Technology: Another Way To Interact With Customers

During this christmas celebration season, you have probably heard of the Microsoft's Xbox Kinnect system. This system allows you to play with a video game in a totally new way. If the Wii has let people be more interactive with games, by using body movements to control the game, Kinnect is using your whole body.

The Wii of course has been the pionneer in this technology. But we can see that people wants more and more human interaction with the machine. This has also been shown with the tactile technology, which helped making the Iphone and the Ipad successes.

I watched this video I found a long time ago, on a blog. It shows how these technologies using body recognition could be use to create interactive advertizing in point of sales.

Intelligent Multi-touch Display - Testing from Immersive Labs on Vimeo.

Customer interaction will become more and more important, and as sales are now made online, point of sales will become large show rooms which will propose a lot of room to these kinds of machines.

What do you think about it?