I'm going to do a little bit of commercials for a company that I appreciate, especially its founder Christophe Bouguereau, one of the best expert of customer relationship management I know, who taught me a lot.
If you are interested about further information about MDC Partenaire, feel free to contact me, I will help you to get in contact with them.
I am also eager to promote this new website as I participated in the launch of the former one, so I always like to keep track of the previous job experience I had.
MDC Partenaire is a consulting firm expert in customer relationship management. Its field of expertise encompass all of the aspect of CRM:
- Data base management
- Direct marketing campaign (mailing, emailing, etc...)
- Customer relationship management strategy (analysis, set up of CRM solutions...)
- Call Center management...
MDC Partenaire has also invented a 360° customer relationship management model, called OSICAM. As CRM is a complex trade, OSICAM allows to analyze each component of the CRM chain, and also to check how each component is connected to the others.
What I like about the new site:
- The graphs are clean, it is not polluted by too many charts or pics.
- The content is clear, and you can see who are the people working at MDC Partenaire, and what are the key information about the company.